Useful Contacts and Links
Here are some contacts and links which you may find useful. More will be added in due course. If you would like to appear on this page please do email us your details
Information, advice & support to parents of children, from babies to teenagers, with special needs or disabilities in Brighton & Hove.
01273 772289
Brighton and Hove Parents' Forum
Brighton Buses
Brighton Family Information Service
Tel: 01273 293545
Brighton Festival Fringe 2011
Brighton Information Online
A directory and guide to Brighton for residents, visitors and business
Brighton Unemployed Centre
Run by the unemployed for the unemployed. Provides practical support, education and recreation for those on a low income, are claimants, are in poor housing. Offer a wide variety of classes, courses, a creche, welfare and benefit advice and temporary housing support.
01273 671213/601211
Brighton & Hove Youth Collective
The Fiveways Directory
01273 551021
A Brighton Council website giving information on travel in the city, with real bus times, traffic information, parking and a journey planner.
A community organisation of black, minority ethnic and mixed parentage families and individuals.
01273 234017
National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300 100 0212
Tel: 0300 123 1231
Brighton & Hove NCT: 0844 243 6062
National Childbirth Trust website
National Childbirth Trust (NCT) Helpline: 0300 330 0771
Rainbow Families
An informal social group supporting LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) parents and their children in Brighton & Hove.
07951 082013
The Rockinghorse Appeal
A local charity that makes the life better for sick children in Sussex.
11 Prince Albert Street, Brighton, BN1 1HE
Tel: 01273 730286
Visitor Information Centre
Royal Pavilion Shop
4-5 Pavilion Buildings
Brighton BN1 1EE
0300 300 0088
The Brighton and Hove Food Partnership
Special Offers and Competitions from Kids in Brighton